1% pour notre planète

Nos collections sont conçues en harmonie avec notre Terre, ses éléments et ses populations humaines, animales ou végétales. Notre engagement holistique pour une mode positive s’étend à travers la philanthropie environnementale afin de reconnecter la mode aux causes humaines et environnementales, des engagements trop longtemps oubliés par l’industrie.

Environmental philanthropy

Environmental philanthropy is complementary to eco-responsible fashion. We are a proud member of the 1% for the Planet network alongside 500 French companies that donate 1% of their global turnover to leading environmental associations every year. This unconditional support is asserted by the donation of a share of our turnover rather than our profits, only guarantee of a real commitment.

1% for the Planet brings together sponsor-companies and environmental NGOs. Its objective is to amplify local actions for a global impact. On a global scale 1% for the Planet collects every year nearly 27 million dollars redistributed to 3,500 associations committed to 6 major causes: climate, food, natural spaces, pollution, water and wildlife.

Our choice is also yours

We wish to offer you the choice to support associations that resonate with your own personal convictions. With each purchase, you can decide which actions you would like us to support. We then adjust our donations according to your choices.
In line with our quest for harmony between the elements, we support leading associations acting on the ground every day in favor of Water, Earth, Air and Animal Life.


Water is the source of life. We support a leading association for the protection of the oceans: the Surfrider Foundation. The latter is committed to putting an end to the annual discharge of 10 million tons of waste into our oceans, to the development of the coastline and to the protection of our health through ensuring greater water quality.


The Air we breathe is precious. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution is one of our wishes. Thanks to you, we support the WWF in its actions in favor of the ecological transition and the limitation of global warming.


As a fundamental element, the Earth is placed under the protection of the Good Planet Foundation, chaired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Thanks to donations, the association deploys awareness programs and field actions to promote ecology and humanism.

Animal lives

At the core of our values are kindness and the principle of non-cruelty (Ahimsa). To protect animal lives, we support The Rain Forest Trust. The association preserves the tropical forests, home to thousands of wildlife species currently threatened by deforestation.

Notre démarche holistique, consciente de l’impact de chacune de nos actions, prolonge notre vision d’une mode slow par et une mobilisation aux côtés d’ONG environnementales. Par votre achat, vous contribuez ainsi à protéger et rendre à la planète pour un avenir meilleur.