“Organic luxury is a unique know-how, a unique hand and a unique story.”

Camille Jaillant, founder of the Olistic The Label brand, grew up between the Swiss mountains and the Haussmannian monuments. She became familiar with the world of fashion from a young age by learning to sew with her grandmother, a seamstress for luxury houses. Inspired by both the elegance of Paris and the minimalism of Geneva, Camille passionately plays with codes.
Creative and committed, she is part of a growing community of sustainable fashion thinkers. After graduating from Edhec Business School, she worked in Paris and New York for prestigious brands such as Chloé, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Isabel Marant. Camille continued her studies in Australia, with a master's degree in Melbourne at RMIT specializing in Fashion Entrepreneurship, where her theses focused on natural fibers and dyes. An eternal traveler, she regularly sets off to discover different cultures, and has now visited more than 35 countries.
Following her travels in India, she realized the impact of the fashion industry on the land and its people. Her life experiences have definitely changed her way of seeing fashion. ; her passion for sustainable and ethical fashion gave rise to the desire to create a brand.
Olistic The Label is a fusion between the artistic influences of its founder and her experiences within luxury brands. Over the course of her encounters, her work and her brand have been forged on strong values of sharing, respect and kindness. Fascinated by the Silk Road, Camille draws inspiration from craftsmanship and the ancestral traditions linked to it. Preserving the environment and protecting people are essential values for the designer. She wants to reconcile aesthetics and sustainability for a “meaningful” fashion. Her creations aim to pay tribute to the past by promoting unique know-how while participating in writing the world to come.
Now a member of the 2022 jury of the Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) in Paris, Camille is committed to sustainable luxury.
Soutenue par l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), l’Alliance des Nations Unies pour la mode durable et la Commission Européenne pour l’Europe des Nations Unies (UNECE “Forest For Fashion“) Camille est aussi engagée pour la mode durable qu’elle l’est au sens plus large pour l’environnement. Elle a participé à de nombreuses conférences et panels (Fashinnovation, ILO Green Entrepreneurs, Fashion Revolution) autour de l’agriculture biologique, de l’indépendance des femmes, de la préservation des savoir-faire. Une de ses collections en fibre de bois a récemment été exposée au Palais des Nations Unies à Genève pour la semaine Européenne de la forêt. La collection TERRA a été présentée à la Fashion Week de New York et au Sommet du Climat des Nations Unies en septembre 2019.